I was also the crew leader for my crew the "Trackers!" We had crew drawings and we developed our crew a little bit deeper and had our first meeting and event as a crew yesterday. We did a guide hunt yesterday where I basically stood in the middle of camp and cheered them on! It was pretty intense. The kids love their crew and love wearing our color (red). I know realize how little red I own...the Camp store may or may not be getting some of my pay check!
So far that's about all that has happened. Tonight we are having a camp out. We will cook our own dinner and hang out at an old house where they rebuilt it and there is nothing in their except room for cots for us. Should be an awesome night. I am super super pumped for my trip with Ryan to Montana. I'm excited to see a familiar face and fly again. Its been a while. Love and miss you all. I took some awesome pics just haven't had a chance to get them on here to see. There is a spot where the older girls are camping tonight called " Rattlesnake" where you can over see the whole camp. That pic will be up soon. Miss and love you all!
Well...I did get this much figured out. Now I can post to your blog! I'm glad the amazing level is Texas sized. I wouldn't have expected any less.....and a vacation in a few days to boot.